What is it I Do?
When most people think of a “teacher”, they probably think of the expert that lectures a topic to a group of students. This is a person that is accomplished and disseminates information using their voice or examples. They show or describe their knowledge. This is quite limited in my opinion and does nothing for true learning. In most cases, this “teacher” is simply showing THEY know the topic, but they’re not actually teaching.
Teach, by definition, is to “give information about or instruction in.” This also seems extremely limited, but this is likely how many of you perceive the occupation and function of a teacher. This is also likely how you experienced or are experiencing your education. This is essentially what the education system has been like for decades. Even with the incorporation of newer technologies and having the whole of human knowledge in one place, the internet, we still seem to do a similar method as we have for many generations.
If we’re all experiencing education the same way and have similar experiences with teachers, has anything actually changed in education? In many ways, no. Most classes are still spent sitting in chairs absorbing information followed by some kind of exam. To culminate our educational experience, we have to take some “high stakes” test to showcase our knowledge and get into a higher education institution. Students are reduced to some quantitative data so that the system can measure success. Once again, this is VERY limited and we likely all agree that these tests do not give a wholistic view of who we are as students. But the system needs to measure us in some way, and this seems to be the easiest.
Why would I become a teacher if this is how I feel about things? Gandhi talking about change and all that makes sense to me. If you want change to happen, then you need to be a part of it. Sitting and complaining about things does no one any good. So I decided to take action, and so have many others who feel similarly.
Changing the Experience with Experience
The places I’ve seen the most change in education is in who is becoming an educator. I myself came from industry and have worked several occupations before ever considering being a teacher. Educators like myself bring with them real-world knowledge of how your education will apply to an occupation. Currently, I believe that traditional education does nothing to prepare you for anything other than more school. School does not always prepare you for a job/occupation/career.
I also attempt to bring into the classroom lessons I’ve learned throughout my life by applying that information to what students are experiencing. This in turn brings relevance to their lives and the materials we cover. Instead of asking “when will I ever need this?” they immediately see where this applies to a person’s life, and hopefully their own lives. This is what I believe needs to change in education. Some will argue that these are lessons that should take place in the home, and while I agree, I will also state that we as teachers get more face time with students than many of their parents. We have more time to make an impact. And what kid wants to listen to their parents ;-p
In my opinion, some teachers seem to have chosen their profession simply because they were good at school. I don’t mean that they were good “teachers” as children, but rather they were good students. They were good at school, so they decided to make it their career. The new educator CHOSE teaching as a profession so that they could help students with their career journey in life. With that approach in mind, we find information to support the application rather than trying to do it the other way. “When will I use this?” is not a question that gets asked in my class. “Here is what you’re doing and this is the information that applies to that” is how we approach it.
Does this mean I hate other “teachers” or don’t respect what they do? Of course not. If they aren’t doing things the way I am, I just hope they’re finding success. Many teachers have found great success. Not everyone learns the same way, so you should not be teaching the same way. Education needs to change to meet the needs of students, not the other way around. We’re getting there, but the current model doesn’t suit this change.
So What Is It I Do?
I see my duties as a teacher to empower students to create and express their true voice. I do my best to help them express this truth when words alone fail them. In doing so, I also empower them to find their own path in life. A college education is no longer a requirement for success, so choosing your own path to meet your goals is more important than ever. Once you have a voice and you have a direction, the rest is just hard work and timing to become successful. (or luck as some might say)
I implore you to find your own voice. Many of us have simply accepted this life because that is what society has said we should do. Ask yourself where you’d like to be in 5 years, and then every decision you make from now on should be in pursuit of that goal. Find what is important to you and what gives you purpose. Passing that energy on to others is where you will find the most success in your life.
I will never be the richest or “most successful” person you see portrayed in media. But I feel so much success each time I help someone else with something they’re struggling with. Not everyone will find the same joy that I do in what I do. I encourage you to find your own path and discover what it is that YOU do. And then go out and do that thing with all of your energy. To me, that is where true happiness lies. It also lies with puppies. That brings me joy too :-)